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Engaged learning: LEARN WELL

Based in Bathurst and serving regional New South Wales, Western Enrichment Learning Lab's aim is to engage children and young people in their learning. We all learn throughout our entire lives, but it is the learning we do when we are young that sets the foundation for our future.

As a school teacher with 30 years experience, I know what a difference it makes to the lives of children and young people when they are engaged in their learning, not just passive receivers of information.


At Western Enrichment Learning Lab, our use of the acronym WELL is not just a way to abbreviate our name - it describes how we want all the participants in our programs to learn: we want them to learn well.


​Underpinning all our programs are our values and core beliefs that work together to engage children and young people in their learning and enable them to learn well:​​​

1. have passion for learning

2. inspire curiosity

3. encourage teamwork

4. live with integrity

5. show kindness to others

6. care for your environment

7. make learning real

Western Enrichment Learning Lab's programs are delivered through schools, homeschool groups and in the community. Please look through OUR PROGRAMS to discover how we might be able to engage your children in their learning and help them to learn well.


Anthony Head

BCom DipEd MEd MSocSc(Dist) MEdStud(Dist) CertIV TAE

Founder and Director

Western Enrichment Learning Lab

Anthony Head Director of Western Enrichment Learning Lab

Western Enrichment
Learning Lab is committed
to the NSW Government's
Child Safe Standards:

NSW Child Safe Standards poster

Latest Updates:

ONLINE BOOKINGS for our October School Holiday Workshops in Bathurst, Blackheath and Penrith are now open. 01/09/2024

​LEGO® and SpikeTM

are trademarks of the

LEGO Group of companies, which does not sponsor, authorise or endorse this website or our programs.

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